Erik Walkowicz - Volunteer of the Month for August 2021 | Immigrant Services Calgary
Volunteer of the Month

Erik Walkowicz - Volunteer of the Month for August 2021


Erik became a Canadian citizen in 2017 after being a permanent resident for several years. While studying for the citizenship test, Erik was pleasantly surprised to learn that volunteering was listed as a responsibility of Canadian citizenship. As a proud Canadian, he has repeatedly endeavoured to uphold this responsibility. After years of working for a large tax preparation firm, he registered with Canada Revenue Agency's Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) to help Canadian residents with their tax filing. He was very pleased to join ISC as a volunteer in our free tax clinic for the 2021 tax season. He has also used his skills and knowledge to volunteer with the City of Calgary Parks, Calgary Board of Education, and various other organizations. 

ISC is honoured to have Erik as a volunteer, and we would like to thank him for all his dedicated service to helping newcomers!

Quote from the tax team lead:

“Erik supported many clients in filing their tax returns. His attitude is very professional, well prepared, and knowledgeable. He has a great sense of humor that makes the tax appointment very welcoming and friendly. I am so happy and grateful to have such an outstanding volunteer for the income tax clinic.”