Volunteer of the Month - April 2017 | Immigrant Services Calgary
Volunteer of the Month

Volunteer of the Month - April 2017


Sebastian is a talented graphic designer, passionate to help people. After working in Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan for 15 years, he decided to move to Canada 9 years ago.

Sebastian’s career allowed him to share his abilities to support good causes. At Immigrant Services Calgary, he joined the Volunteer Program in 2014 and has contributed over 160 hours since, in various capacities: assisting workshops, helping ISC’s Seniors’ Program, or designing various printed materials.

“I am very happy and proud of myself to be a part of all these volunteer opportunities that allow me to share my career skills for different causes.”

As part of the ISC’s Immigrant of Distinction Awards silent auction team, Sebastian designed the silent auction catalogue, the appreciation certificate, the bidding sheet and the signage for both 2016 and 2017 editions. As an outreach volunteer, he designed the logotype, logomark, posters and brochures for the Calgary Korean Health Fair in 2015 and 2016.

Sebastian is currently accomplishing his studies in Justice Law Enforcement at Bow Valley College, in order to fulfill his goal of serving as a police officer in Alberta.

“I am devoted to help more and serve the public […] I want to be able to serve my second country Canada in all the abilities that I have, as a graphic Designer or as a soon-to-be police officer […] in our beautiful Alberta.”

Thank you for your generous support, Sebastian. Congratulations!