Spots Open: Literacy & Soft Skills Training for IT Professionals | Immigrant Services Calgary

Spots Open: Literacy & Soft Skills Training for IT Professionals

Employers in Calgary, do the internationally-trained IT professionals at your organization need help developing their workplace communication skills? Our Advanced Literacy and Essential Skills in the Workplace (ALES@WORK) program is the perfect solution, offering low-stress and high-improvement soft skills training.

ALES@WORK is a 10-week training program that has been customized for international professionals who have worked or trained as a programmer, database analyst/administrator or network technician. Participants in the program learn about communication in a workplace context and ways to more effectively convey information through writing and speaking. Through a series of projects and learning activities designed to reflect the conditions in the modern information technology workplace, such as Agile processes, participants become more effective in their workplace and gain the following:

  • Boosts to their self-confidence 
  • Improved teamwork and flexibility
  • Enhanced ability to articulate, and receive, directions
  • Increased intercultural intelligence for the workplace 

If you, or someone you know, may be interested in this program, learn more about ALES@WORK by clicking here.